Military Healthcare Veterans with expertise in trauma resuscitation from the point of injury through the continuum of care.

Chiral personnel consult on the integration of tactics and medicine. Deployed and training experience base applied to each client and the mission. It is imperative to be a team enabler rather than a disabler, good tactics make for good medicine.
Chiral personnel have trained Service Members and Law Enforcement at the Medical Simulation Training Centers (MSTCs), the Joint Special Operations Medical Training Center (JSOMTC), and various Defense Health Agency courses (Tactical Combat Medical Care, Combat Casualty Care Course, and the Special Operations Combat Medic course.
Specific topics of expertise include Fresh Whole Blood utilization through the continuum of care, Prolonged Field (Casualty), and a Tactical Tissue Program management (cadaveric and live tissue).

Chiral personnel consult on medical command and control, medical situational awareness, and movement operations through the continuum of healthcare from Role 1 (Damage Control Resuscitation) to Role 2 (Damage Control Surgery), and to Role 3 (Definitive Care and Hospitalization) utilizing ground and rotary wing En-Route Care platforms.
Chiral consultants are experienced in disaster management and humanitarian assistance efforts. Programs integrating the Federal Emergency Management Agency Emergency Support Function 8 efforts to support the National Disaster Management System. Chiral consultants have executed and continue to consult the Department of Defense regarding aspects of the Integrated CONUS Medical Operations Plan to move wounded Service Members back to the States.

Chiral personnel consult on the integration of tactics and medicine. Deployed and training experience base applied to each client and the mission. It is imperative to be a team enabler rather than a disabler, good tactics make for good medicine.
Chiral personnel have trained Service Members and Law Enforcement at the Medical Simulation Training Centers (MSTCs), the Joint Special Operations Medical Training Center (JSOMTC), and various Defense Health Agency courses (Tactical Combat Medical Care, Combat Casualty Care Course, and the Special Operations Combat Medic course.
Specific topics of expertise include Fresh Whole Blood utilization through the continuum of care, Prolonged Field (Casualty), and a Tactical Tissue Program management (cadaveric and live tissue).